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Wisdom Wednesday Lecture Series 2023

By January 10, 2023No Comments

The Wisdom Wednesday lecture series aims to draw on the deep well of African history, culture & wisdom in order to engage in Sankofa (the act of remembering what was lost) for the benefit of current and future generations.

We host various presenters on topics related to African history, culture and personal development, and wholistic health. We also host lectures and book signings by various prominent authors. The purpose of Wisdom Wednesdays is to create an environment where participants gain knowledge and insights that will allow them to improve their lives and commit themselves to transforming their communities for the better.

Wisdom Wednesday lectures occur every 3rd Wednesday of the month, usually at the Thurgood Marshall Building located at 1816 12th St NW, Washington, DC 20009. At this time, all Wisdom Wednesday lectures will be held online. See below for registration.

The program is free and open to the public and runs from 7pm to 9pm.

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Wednesday January 18, 2023 7pm via Zoom.
Speaker: Sam P.K. Collins (Ras Plo Kwia Glebluwuo)
Title: Grassroots Journalism as a Vehicle for Pan-African Self-Determination
In the United States, the media has often been defined as the “fourth estate,” designed as a tool to hold the three branches of government accountable. For Afrikan people however, most media outlets don’t produce news reflective of  their identity as people living in a nation within a nation that’s connected to the Afrikan diaspora.
This presentation features Sam P.K. Collins, a grassroots journalist-educator with more than a decade of experience telling stories from a grassroots, African-centered lens. Those who listen and partake in this reasoning session will get an understanding of the current media landscape, as articulated in the book “Babylon Be Still.”‘ They will also receive Bro. Sam’s prescription for producing and identifying accurate, high-quality news stories.
******************************. Complete 2023 Schedule Coming Soon ******************************
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