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Honoring Our Jegnas

By July 14, 2016No Comments

Peace and love from the Motherland!!

Twenty-seven years ago (at age 7), I made my first trip to Africa with my father, grandmother and 31 and other people. Since my first trip to Africa, I have written two books, travelled the world sharing my experiences, and have travelled to Africa over 13 times (and making every effort to catch up with my dad who has travelled to Egypt 52 times and Africa in general over 60 times).

I have also been very fortunate and blessed to have met many of our great Jegnas including Dr. John H. Clarke, Dr. Asa Hilliard, Dr. Ben, Dr. Welsing and so many more who have laid the foundation for many scholars including my father who proudly walk in their footsteps. Although many of our Jegnas are no longer here physically, my father reminds me that their spirit is still here and that as ancestors, they are guiding and protecting us so that we may continue their work and protect their legacy.

I give thanks to all of our ancestors and those Jegnas still living to today, including Marimba Ani, Na’im Akbar, Ronoko Rashidi, Charles Finch, Anthony Browder, and so many more. Thank you for your research, hard work, dedication, and the sacrifices you have and continue to make to enlighten African people.
