So, what is a Kemetamorphosis?

If this term were in the dictionary, it would read:



Pronounced: [keh-met-uh-mawr-fuh-sis]

–noun, plural

  1.  Deriving from two words:

Kemet, the original name of the ancient civilization we now know as Egypt, which literally means “Nation of Black people,” and

Morphosis, meaning a process of evolution and transformation.

2. A process involving Sankofa (West African term meaning “to go back and fetch” one’s ancestral culture) and WHMY MSU (Kemetic term meaning “Repetition of the birth”).

3. Psychology/Cultural Awareness. A profound change in cultural awareness from one stage to the next in the cultural evolution of an American African.

4.  An ongoing change of form, structure, or substance, as transformation by learning about Kemet (Ancient Egypt) and/or travel to Kemet, sharing this experience with others and inviting them to do the same.